I mean, it is interesting in a way that a priest who is "meant" to be vampire haters, can ask vampires to look after his adopted daughter for him. However he asked to stay in the house where the vampire boys live since he was going overseas. This anime was far from that, it actually does give you goosebumps that are kinda sexy in a way and that'll make you be turned on by some of the scenes! I even like the main characters backstory where she is considered a vampire herself but she was actually adopted by a priest. I found that this anime was quite good! At least its not like 'Twlight' or "dance with devils" with bored vampire stares and a group of guys singing poorly to a girl.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
Unusually the episodes are only a quarter of an hour long but that is better than trying to stretch the material to fill a normal length episode. That said if you want to be disturbed without seeing anything really disturbing you should enjoy this. The story was okay but took a while to really get going early episodes were mainly taken up showing each of the brothers forcing Yui to offer her blood. As one might expect the brothers are typical bishonen types which only served to add to their creepiness and to be fair they are all creepy in different ways.
As the story progresses it becomes apparent that they are keeping her alive for a sinister reason! This shojo series was surprisingly disturbing as Yui's relationship with the vampire brothers was distinctly abusive there may not have been any actual sexual activity but the way they drank her blood felt like a metaphor for rape.
This doesn't mean she is safe though they have no intention of letting her leave and all enjoy drinking her blood. It looks like this could be the end for Yui but one of the young vampires says that she must not be killed. When she enters she discovers a boy who appears to be dead much to her surprise he awakens he is a vampire as are his brothers who also live in the house. This twelve part anime opens with the protagonist, seventeen year old Yui Komori being, sent to a large mansion.